Surgery Opening Hours: Monday – 08:00 till 06:30 Tuesday – 08:00 till 06:30 Wednesday – 08:00 till 06:30 Thursday – 08:00 till 06:30 Friday – 08:00 till 06:30 Saturday –...
Non-NHS services
The NHS does not pay for some of the services we provide. These include private sick notes, insurance forms, holiday cancellation forms, medical reports, fitness to travel certificates, private prescriptions,...
Online services
You can use online services at the surgery to order a repeat prescription, get a sick certificate, get test results, ask about a non-urgent medical problem and view your medical...
Repeat prescriptions
To order a repeat prescription Use your Patient Access account (on the Patient Access website or in the Patient Access app). Use the repeat ordering slip on your previous prescription....
Sick notes
You only need a doctor’s note if you are unable to work and are ill for longer than seven calendar days. Go to the NHS webpage: When do I need...
Test results
Our telephones are very busy in the early morning. Please call for for test results (eg blood, urine, x-ray) after 11.00am each day. To ensure confidentiality, we only release results...
Find out more about the clinics and services available at the surgery.
Date published: 28th August, 2014
Date last updated: 1st August, 2022